聯邦特殊部隊ECOAS!【特種RGM-89D Jegan 改良型】RGM-89De (ECOAS型)
RGM-89De Jegan(ECOAS Type)在外表上與RGM-89D Jegan除了塗裝之外,並沒有太大的區別。
塗裝採取的是類似另一款ECOAS經常使用的D-50C Loto一樣的土褐色,而事實上塗裝在成分材料上與普通塗料有非常巨大的不同。
那麼RGM-89De Jegan ECOAS Type在塗料上則採用了極其昂貴的即能夠吸收電磁波、紅外線等常規探測,又更為輕量堅韌的新型隱形材料。
2012年3月30日 星期五
2012年3月27日 星期二
加相!【 倒掛~ 五炮~ Full lock-on! 】Metal Build Freedom自由之刃!
最後加相!【 倒掛~ 五炮~ Full lock-on! 】Metal Build Freedom自由之刃!
finally... yet the 倒掛 pics are not as expected... need to try more
finally... yet the 倒掛 pics are not as expected... need to try more
2012年3月24日 星期六
Metal Build Freedom!【 基拉王子之駿馬!? 】忘卻憂鬱,盡情耍帥!
Metal Build Freedom!【 基拉王子之駿馬!? 】忘卻憂鬱,盡情耍帥!
Just saw this description in the guidebook of metal build...
basically I can forget the defects and scratches and the outlook in general of this is nice
yet, when I pose it, I found another articulation defect...., my right shoulder joint (which is very important) is very loose and "diu diu fing" sigh....
Just saw this description in the guidebook of metal build...
basically I can forget the defects and scratches and the outlook in general of this is nice
yet, when I pose it, I found another articulation defect...., my right shoulder joint (which is very important) is very loose and "diu diu fing" sigh....
2012年3月23日 星期五
MB Freedom! Quick Snap!【附贈Sad 圖全面睇.....】驚艷不再, QC下跌
2012年3月7日 星期三
FW Converge 6【All that Gundams!】大與細 FW X Fix CrossOver!
FW Converge 6【All that Gundams!】大與細 FW X Fix CrossOver!
& sell those evil Zeon MS!!!!!!!!!!
& sell those evil Zeon MS!!!!!!!!!!
2012年3月4日 星期日
素組不素攝! 【HGUC Delta Gundam】 我有我認真!
素組不素攝! 【HGUC Delta Gundam】 我有我認真!
素組派 is not welcomed in most Model Forum, yet, I respect the status & difficulties of many old Gundam fans- time constraint, working pressure, family issue etc. This is my OOB work since the Pearl coating version of MG WIng 6 years ago. although I just 素組, it takes me 9 hours to build and 1.5 hours to shoot....
Anyway, enjoy!
素組派 is not welcomed in most Model Forum, yet, I respect the status & difficulties of many old Gundam fans- time constraint, working pressure, family issue etc. This is my OOB work since the Pearl coating version of MG WIng 6 years ago. although I just 素組, it takes me 9 hours to build and 1.5 hours to shoot....
Anyway, enjoy!