GN破壞巨劍II的改進型- GN劍IV
2012年4月30日 星期一
2012年4月28日 星期六
劇毒平方化!【全剎那高達計劃! Exia to 00Q】MB X MG X GFFMC X 改件!
劇毒平方化!【全剎那高達計劃! Exia to 00Q】MB X MG X GFFMC X 改件!
The most memorable pilot in Gundam History! (apart from Amuro of coz)
The most memorable pilot in Gundam History! (apart from Amuro of coz)
2012年4月25日 星期三
透明限定~【MG 量子00Q!!!】賭上人類の存亡、對話開始! (未成功...)
透明限定~【MG 量子00Q!!!】賭上人類の存亡、對話開始! (未成功...)
ModelWork of anonymous
PhotoWork of Gundam@EFSF
A perfect execution from my modeler anonymous to realize my plan using the transparent limited version 00Q MG,
yet... this time is my inadequacy of my shooting in realizing my expected outcome....
need to take more time in the weekend and find out the trick in shooting....
Anyway, stay tuned, more pics coming!
ModelWork of anonymous
PhotoWork of Gundam@EFSF
A perfect execution from my modeler anonymous to realize my plan using the transparent limited version 00Q MG,
yet... this time is my inadequacy of my shooting in realizing my expected outcome....
need to take more time in the weekend and find out the trick in shooting....
Anyway, stay tuned, more pics coming!
透明限定~【MG 量子00Q!!!】賭上人類の存亡、對話開始! (未成功...)
ModelWork of anonymous
PhotoWork of Gundam@EFSF
A perfect execution from my modeler anonymous to realize my plan using the transparent limited version 00Q MG,
yet... this time is my inadequacy of my shooting in realizing my expected outcome....
need to take more time in the weekend and find out the trick in shooting....
Anyway, stay tuned, more pics coming!
PhotoWork of Gundam@EFSF
A perfect execution from my modeler anonymous to realize my plan using the transparent limited version 00Q MG,
yet... this time is my inadequacy of my shooting in realizing my expected outcome....
need to take more time in the weekend and find out the trick in shooting....
Anyway, stay tuned, more pics coming!