2007年7月24日 星期二

Fusion Work (FWUO) series reborn!!!!

I love this series very much & was sad when not heard the news for serveral month...

Fully painted with shadow painting are the killing bullets (to me).

Finally it reborn! How's your comment towards the FWUO series?

The prob is... the hieght is 12 cm??? taller then the UO series???

2007年7月22日 星期日

New GFF series: "FM" Series!

New GFF: "FM" Series! "fully moveable"?
FullArmor Gundam in Nov; Perfect Gundam in Dec, around 4500yen,
with inner moveable frame.  What are ur expectation?

not just a standing pose this time?

bust up mode?

2007年7月12日 星期四

快拍: Offshoot 重戰機 in action!

快拍: OF 重戰機 in action!
I seldom get non-Gundam stuff....yet, the articulations are not as good as expected :(
& the pearl coating cannot eliminate the plastic feel...
want to sell it out ASAP after taking few snaps...

Feel "Gundam" in this pic? XD

1 new one! still forget the back-pack....:shy:

2007年7月9日 星期一

爆甲FA 高達景品入手!

finally find in MK & grabbed at (*; sad that I can't get the blue one... might need a modeller to remake it...

2007年7月2日 星期一

Gundam S HCMpro 扮嘢show!!!

遲來的 ... anyway, enjoy!
the articulations are great; yet, still heavy plastic feel even it applied pearl coating. IMO, the matt topcoat of Metal Composite 1001 is much batter.