東方日報 專家攻略 訪問- Gundam@EFSF 的格納庫
What a coincident! When I am going to leave my sweet home white base, a reporter of Oriental Daily interests in my chain base and invite me to conduct an interview. I believe it is a good event for me to have a good memory on my sweet home white base…
It is an interesting experience to share Gundam in the media. As to my memory, it is my third time. The first time should be in CR1 Fung Chi Fung’s – Super Toy King, the second this is in RTHK2 “log your blog”.
click here & start from 32:00 to listen!The section is in the 東方日報副刊- 專家攻略 on every Monday, & mine should be released on Feb 12, stay tune!
Past reference of 專家攻略