DC一樣得! 模玩攝影小技巧分享
Nikon replies that my DSLR needs 3 weeks for repair… well it’s good for me to explore this handy DC & share will all net friends.
For amateurs, I hope you will benefit from it;
For experts, pls. feel free to supplement and make it a fruitful sharing :)
Nikon那邊回復我說,我的數碼單反相機需要3星期去維修……嗯,我想這也是個好機會去好好探究怎麽利用手上這部數碼相機(IXUS 860),同時把自己的經驗與大家分享一下。
如果你是初心者,希望你能透過下面的內容而有所得著。各位攝影高手也不妨多多指正,分享大家的寶貴經驗雕蟲小技, 見笑了
特別鳴謝机动战士联盟MSL scarecrowhoi兄的翻譯1) Let’s learn from common mistakes…
Mistake 1:
DC’s direct flash is not advised… seeing is believing
1) 從常見問題中學習…
Mistake 2:
“Haha, I know to turn my flash off, let’s see...”
And you use full auto mode with hand held… & the below pic is the most typical in toy/model forum…
然後你用的是全自動模式,又只用雙手去拿相機,結果就出現了在一般模玩論壇帖子裏面最常見的圖像問題,見下圖… Why!?
The potential problems are:
household lighting is generally not sufficient, hence possible consequences are
a) a fussy pic because of hand shake, or
b) a noisy pic because of high ISO
As I am a hand-shaking guy, 4 years ago tripod is already my most important partner in shooting.
a) 因爲手震導致圖片影像過于模糊
b) 因爲調校的感光度過高而導致影像粗糙
2) Tools: To take good pics of you collection in economy way, my advice is:
- A DC (of coz)
- Background paper (very important- within $10)- I use wrap paper this time, it is cheap & no need to handle with care
- Tripod (critical!!!- within $70)
“Ap Liu St” stuff is more than enough for little DC, & it is always the gift comes with purchasing your DC
- A mirror (I am using an acrylic mirror for safety reason; or a lamp could be a substitute)
- 一部數碼相機(那還用說~)
- 背景底紙(非常重要,通常十塊錢以下)- 這次我用了牛皮包書紙,又便宜又不怕弄花弄破
- 三脚架 (最關鍵的工具,一般來說70塊以下)‘鴨寮街’級數的工具對于一部小型數碼相機來說已經很够用
- 一面鏡子 (爲了安全起見,我用了膠鏡,也可以找一盞可移動的燈作爲代替品)
3) The simple trick
3.1 Preferred setting of you DC- Single point focus (critical! & focus on where you want to focus)
- Lowest ISO
- Macro mode
- disable flash
- Appropriate white balance
3.1 如何調校你的數碼相機
3.2 The miracle of tripod! Not just because it is stable for long exposure time; the most important “side effect” is it makes you more conscious in framing before you press the button! No more casual snaps!
See the effect!!!
3.3 The mirror
See the improvement with supplementary lighting from mirror
3.4 Croping & Photoshop trick
Just for fun! Not to mention in detail here la…
玩玩而已,這裏就不詳述啦… 3.5 & Finally… The Power of DC (those with Zero focal length macro)
That exactly DC power surpassing every DSLR with common lens! Explore the possibilities & funs!
Zero focal length!
最後… 數碼相機的威力
這就是DC超越所有用上普通鏡頭的DSLR的真正威力!多找機會探索所有的可能性和樂趣吧!零微距對焦萬歲!How powerful!!!!!
Again, 雕蟲小技, 見笑了
For expert net-friends, pls. feel free to supplement and make it a fruitful sharing :)