For 3 months I haven’t taken “formal” pics. Today I finally takes up my D80 & shoots my 60% finished壽屋格納庫 (still want to find modeler to paint them & all the accessories…) & the GFF Limited Blue FA Gundam.
In shooting, I still cannot grasp the trick of best lighting
On the other hand, for the warehouse setting, I am quite satisfied that
those little guys for train models are perfectly fit the scene!
For these figures, I've bought them in Big Camera/ Yodobashi in Shinjuku. Reasonable price at 330yen only! & they are fully painted :)
I've also saw them in HK Wonderland. Hope you can find it too!
N scale is a popular model railway scale/track gauge. Depending upon the manufacturer (or country), the scale ranges from 1:148 to 1:160.