2011年11月5日 星期六

VF1 超懷舊娘甫士!!!【VF-25F 早乙女機 Renewal Ver】DX超合金Macross F

VF1 超懷舊娘甫士!!!【VF-25F 早乙女機 Renewal Ver】DX超合金Macross F

Finally I can transform it....

....路上遇到一切敵人 從未驚恐
猶如天際蛟龍 來回也從容

不必怕險阻百種 共赴星際美夢
在這黑暗的星空 從來未覺冰涷 途上盡是我腳蹤

人係勇 全無懼怕 我有力去衝
天空中 一起衝 衝鋒!

5 則留言:

  1. 如果係VF1J或者係1S會fit啲歌詞
    [版主回覆11/05/2011 23:08:07]poses are similar ma.....

  2. hi 版主你好,一直潜水你的blog很久了,你的收藏都很棒,想请教一下,你这个黑background的照片是怎样拍的?我也是有做了个摄影棚黑底的不过我的相片背景总是不够黑,和地上的黑色相差太远,如果光圈调低的话玩具就拍的很暗,你可以到我的blog看看 冲一郎玩具屋, 希望你能告诉我相机要怎样调?我是用cannon G12 的。。谢谢
    [版主回覆12/03/2011 12:14:56]pls. show your whole picture of lighting setting & I can help, 1 rule is move your object forward & avoid lighting on the backdrop :)

  3. hi thanks for your reply, i have post my studio to my blog, please have a look abd give some advise, last weekend i have post some new blogs, i shot the photo according to your guide, using tripot, iso set to 200 or 400, 1 table light cover with white paper, black gloss ceramic floor, black color hard paper as background. after using your method, the pic seems lot better and i use auto level as well to touch up, nw just i cant make the back ground look dark enough while i need to light up the toy with lamp, what is the trick? by the way ,white balance i set to 0, im using G11 cannon power shot.
    [版主回覆12/05/2011 22:55:48]what is your link?

  4. can you search on google 冲一郎玩具屋?the link is something wrong on my pc

  5. hi, thanks for reply, i have tried to shift the lamp position but it still hit the background, may i have a look on your lighting set up for your studio for black background?
    [版主回覆12/08/2011 22:36:08]http://blog.yahoo.com/gundamefsf/category/%E6%94%9D%E5%BD%B1
    [版主回覆12/08/2011 22:35:11]http://blog.yahoo.com/gundamefsf/articles/12079/category/%E6%94%9D%E5%BD%B1
