Again, very tired & so take a rest in Akiba Mister Donut…
Not much to write, take rest & catch the bust to Fuji-Q ----------------
Gundam Crisis! The highlight of this trip! Good nite!
Esp to Bro Douglas! U're lucky! 010 is the last box in Volks!
This is my great surprise grabbed in Shinjuku Sakuraya!
Best for 格納庫photo taking! :handshake:
Lucky draw, 500 yen once. Not bad, at least not Char's mask....
回覆刪除thx shared 開心旅程
[版主回覆12/05/2007 22:33:00]5C-13C, but I feel like 15C in HK, quite OK :)
[版主回覆12/05/2007 22:32:00]haha! :)
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/05/2007 20:30:00]Volks in Akiba's Radio Mall! :)