I am curious Do you use Micro lens to take those photo? or just normal zoom lens?!? [版主回覆07/19/2008 08:32:00]1 Tamron wide angle 11-18mm; and 1 Tamron 18-200mm both are not macro lens :)
Wow! I'm your fans! Do the parts come from the Unicorn? Apart from Gundam, I'm sure you'r very passionate on photography!! Have you try shooting from very low angle (from technician's view) and using a wide angle lens? [版主回覆07/20/2008 04:04:00]Thanks! I useTarmon 11-18mm in some of the wide shots Will surely try others angle when it was 100% complete!
Hi, could you tell me what is the origin of this color scheme? [版主回覆07/30/2008 22:44:00]special MIA Jafcon 2000 limited version :) http://goods.ruten.com.tw/item/show?11071226706092#pic
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/19/2008 01:54:00](Empty)
I am curious
回覆刪除Do you use Micro lens to take those photo?
or just normal zoom lens?!?
[版主回覆07/19/2008 08:32:00]1 Tamron wide angle 11-18mm; and 1 Tamron 18-200mm both are not macro lens :)
回覆刪除Wow! I'm your fans! Do the parts come from the Unicorn? Apart from Gundam, I'm sure you'r very passionate on photography!! Have you try shooting from very low angle (from technician's view) and using a wide angle lens?
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/20/2008 04:04:00]Thanks! I useTarmon 11-18mm in some of the wide shots Will surely try others angle when it was 100% complete!
回覆刪除用格納庫影相好玩呢... 一影就唔停得手!
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/22/2008 21:43:00]Yup! 唔停得手!
So pro!
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/22/2008 21:43:00]thx 4 appreciation!
last one good take of photo !!
回覆刪除Hi, could you tell me what is the origin of this color scheme?
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/30/2008 22:44:00]special MIA Jafcon 2000 limited version :) http://goods.ruten.com.tw/item/show?11071226706092#pic
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[版主回覆06/21/2009 09:37:00]thx & visit more!