Kung Hay Fai Choi... Wish you will have a Jabora soon... was gonna bid on your Dragonar earlier (of course notice your photo style and login as well) should I not have bought the very same figure earlier that day. That's why I know you have some great pictures on it... hehe... I am pretty impressed by the articulation and QC of the Dragonar figure and wish Gundam would have a series of that kind of quality, aside from model kits or custom-made models... Metal Composite series is pretty good but the articulation of the Gundam figure is only ok...
[版主回覆10/26/2008 12:45:00]haha, yup! good investment IMO :)
正呀 像是廠內員工偷拍 ^^
[版主回覆10/26/2008 23:58:00]thx! & visit more!
[版主回覆10/26/2008 23:58:00]大武士! Sure!
個感覺好正 原來用來放超級系機械人會有另一種感覺 P.S.: 感覺上人仔好似多點會重好
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/31/2008 20:57:00]haha, will be more 人仔 next time :)
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/31/2008 20:56:00]bingo!
变形金刚 嘛!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/04/2009 21:28:00]i don't fond on 变形金刚 嘛...
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/02/2008 16:22:00]THX & VISIT MORE!
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/06/2008 23:09:00]thx! & visit more! :)
awaiting for your great pictures on Dragonar ah !!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/27/2009 20:34:00]happy CNY! BTW, u know I bought that?!
Kung Hay Fai Choi... Wish you will have a Jabora soon... was gonna bid on your Dragonar earlier (of course notice your photo style and login as well) should I not have bought the very same figure earlier that day. That's why I know you have some great pictures on it... hehe... I am pretty impressed by the articulation and QC of the Dragonar figure and wish Gundam would have a series of that kind of quality, aside from model kits or custom-made models... Metal Composite series is pretty good but the articulation of the Gundam figure is only ok...
回覆刪除你影得真係好正, 勁! 佩服佩服!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/24/2009 01:18:00]thx & visit more! :)
好怀念那个年代 六神合体 我看现在得人没有多少个知道这套动画