What a dilemma! Why I need to pay 5500 yen for a "FINISHED" Product & then consume 10 more hours for decals & panel lines????? I will be much happy to pay extra 1000 yen if they do pre-printed mark on Robot Spirit figure!
Well.... I am not quite enjoy the process... yet, the outcome is worthy!
Haha! You are working so hard on decals! Very Katoki style I think ROBOT TAMASHI series are just for play, they are not models, just toys.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/20/2010 08:46:00]the different between toy and model are quite blur indeed esp. for Bandai product. You can how great is my Musha Gundam "toy" after painting. & Look forward to your work too! Any progress?
where did the decal comes from? 1/144 models?
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/20/2010 13:37:00]1/144 will be too big; special order-1/160
[版主回覆03/21/2010 00:33:00]thx! 夢想機體再現!
Beautiful and it is worth the hard work!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/21/2010 00:33:00]haha, 10 hrs...
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/22/2010 22:50:00]滲線之前唔使噴消光