靈格斯-阿寶專用! ReGZ- Amuro Custom
I've commissioned ultrayung team to make this for me, the quality is very very good. Yet, I personally prefer the main body color is in light green. so 忍痛割愛 at yahoo aution...
Modeler- ultrayung team
Finally grabbed this kit, to my surprise, this conversion kit is quite solid!
& pls. remember to vote for the last pic, which color scheme do you perfer?
Grey or light green? Pls. vote!
see the AK47! cool!
"因為金融海嘯影響,經濟不景,又適逢年關將近,Re-GZ於是變作省港旗兵,黎香港食大茶飯" (quote from 怪怪
of HKML)
The concept art post!
So u know why there is AK47- from the concept art of 明貴美加
& thank for ultrayung team to modify this 1:12 box egg gun!
The special gimmick not in original VP version, the beam cannon in shield!
beam shield concept from: http://www.geocities.jp/a2crafts/rez00.htm
電撃ホビーガンプラ王東京大会シニア 1位
Grey or light green? Pls. vote!