Hi friends, sorry for so late to post pic! & apologize that I
can't clearly regconize all of you, so pls. state ur position & I
will update pic with all your name :)
Thx very much for Tasuku's cool secret club house!
thx 4 the pics below from white base!
圖中的 SD 高達, 電話響時會自動行走.
英文版 戰慄之藍 漫畫
Date &
Time: 20/9 Sat 1530~
Venue : Tasuku Secret Place in Jordan-
Let's meet at Jordan MTR,
B1 Exit (underground)
http://maps.google.com.hk/maps?f=q&hl=zh-TW&geocode=&q=%E9%95%B7%E6%A8%82%E8%A1%9719&sll=22.38131<;Click to see WHERE the meeting place, Enlarge and find the
We've share a lot of books in the past 3 events...
Let's share 3D stuff! (Toys, model...
etc) this time!
1) Gundam@EFSF
2) DMS
3) johnchan
4) Tasuku
5) Herolouis800528
【喜樂 的森】
7) lacus
8) WhiteBase
9) The-O
10) K動戰士渣古
12) corn135
13) D-Boy
14) MythSearcher
15) loking
第3次高達同好MK咖啡聚! (Aug 16)
Hi friends, sorry for so late to post pic! & apologize that I can't clearly regconize all of you, so pls. state ur position & I will update pic with all your name :)
新日與夜咖啡室 New Cafe Day and Night
* 旺角彌敦道570-572號基利商業大廈19樓 :
1) Gundam@EFSF
3) Whitebase
4) 吉姆Q形
5) JKL
6) corn135
7) roger528
8) John Chan/ Regzzero
9) bbf1125
10) DMS
11) Alexis
12) 【喜樂 的森】
13) herolouis800528
14) solarsunshine
15) SIEG~~
16) Tasuku
第二次高達同好MK咖啡聚! (July 20)
第1次: June 29 高達同好MK咖啡聚! 實況!
點解你會係阿寶 ???
回覆刪除你走咗後,我同另外一位朋友講開Mythsearcher這個人, 原來佢曾經去過NASA做交換生.........
[版主回覆07/22/2008 22:05:00]hehe! will u join in Aug?
回覆刪除sure !!!
回覆刪除所謂"獨樂樂, 不如眾樂樂", 我o的offical fact file都未帶哂出來 XD
我返到屋企時, 發現仲有其它書, 下次帶出來.
回覆刪除哎呀! 可以在人頭附近加上NICKNAME嗎? 因為想記番晒所有人名啊! MANY THANKS!
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/24/2008 20:06:00]i can't recall all the names too....
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/24/2008 20:06:00]sure! & we share a lot!
回覆刪除This guy is GM fans, have a lot of collection, take a look.
月中攪一次好嗎 ?
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/03/2008 00:03:00]of coz, planned on 16/8, are u OK?
sure !!
回覆刪除I should be in HK so count me in!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/03/2008 21:24:00]sure! look 4ward to ur sharing too!
星期六嗎 要返工
回覆刪除Count me in! Sir!
回覆刪除Got it but I may be late! BTW, you want me to bring a gunpla or what? What about this:
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/13/2008 23:39:00]any Gundam stuff would be OK! :)
唔該你整O的相, 我想問可唔可以借我放係我既BLOG度 ??
回覆刪除我今日買咗GUNDAM ACE, 布拉度 係Unicorn出場呀, 真係長青樹, 計埋"閃光凱撒衛", 已經係第6次係Gundam故事出場.
[版主回覆09/07/2008 10:06:00]sure! Feel free :)
哈哈哈, 我仲以為original quality太差你唔出相添...
回覆刪除我又黎! count me in!
回覆刪除有個提議, 如果地方同設備許可, 建議搞下試影會, 放下OVA, 放下CG咁! 唔知掂唔掂?
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/10/2008 20:07:00]good idea! Sent the proposal to Tasuku!
I'm not available on 20th Sep. Next time la...
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/10/2008 20:06:00]c u next time!
真是快樂呢,可惜那一天沒有空,要參加學會的O CAMP^^
回覆刪除-By Milos
回覆刪除如果hello week
回覆刪除見到成班高達頭遊 老蘭
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/30/2008 23:05:00]5th is planning! :)
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/01/2008 10:16:00]come on! we are planning the 5th gathering