This is my 2nd box of 超合金魂, (well, might be the first box, coz the Godmars is going to be sold) The movability is quite good, yet my comment is the waist can't be moved & this handicaps the posing.
& sad that I lost my yellow wrap paper ("chicken skin paper"), this greenrish one is that good...
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/28/2008 18:35:00]燃亮我 燃亮我 讓那火舌更高張 願我能 像那火炎將隔膜燒乾 求讓我 像那火向正方申張 一點公正共決心 變無窮力量 明亮的小火舌 狂潮一樣 我發熱發光 金光照著朝陽 像烈火將太空那黑洞照光 永遠和平這是目標每日寄望 盡力到底 鎮壓惡魔 要和平 早一點降 是我心內理想 邪難敵正 只要我勇敢 又堅強
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/29/2008 23:40:00]高唔得過超力電磁俠
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/29/2008 23:40:00]pics in my new thread should be better :)
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/04/2008 11:37:00]copy & paste only...