All that Gundam: (頭像景品 Part 1+2)
Took some new pics enjoy!
BTW, I believe this artwork is stunning. Around 20 years ago I've seen this 1/220 G-kit Gundam series in MK Animate & I was stunned both by the finished models & this box art.
In fact, this is also one for my intended project (of coz, commissioned work), using these banpresto heads to realized this great artwork...
嘩! 你一口氣買晒? 有冇平價呀? 個人呢講好似得X同W比較像樣,你覺得呢?
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/23/2008 11:43:00]no ar; part 1 was bought 1 month ago lu... Part 1 is 399 & Part 2 is 480.... expensive....
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/24/2008 22:51:00]can't for this set; GK can
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/25/2008 19:08:00]haha, so u mean the real stuff is not OK?
見你影得咁正上我自已都流晒口水, 上兩個星期在日本又見唔倒有得賣, 正話喺深水埗福利見到有散賣, 我都忍唔住買咗NT-1 同埋RX78-2。
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/25/2008 19:09:00]u can 散賣!? how much? thx!
係囉..都被你的攝影技巧騙了! 有mug理由你尼set靚o禁多.... 本來唔想買又比你搞到15/16
[版主回覆11/26/2008 23:19:00]thx! u know my effort & passion behind the camera!
喺福利 散買RX78-2 $110, NT-1就 $95
回覆刪除其它各款散買都係 $95 or $110 視乎受人氣度
Part 1 & 2 各可一 set 過買, 不過我就冇留意價錢, 應該會平D!!
[版主回覆11/26/2008 23:19:00]OMG.... so cheap now!!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/02/2008 23:44:00]如果用得響模型度就好囉...??? they are difinitely模型 wor...
據上面位師兄講, 去左福利到睇, 但係只係剩返 X 同 V la ><, 即刻入返隻 X !~ 想問下仲有冇邊位師兄知道邊到仲有散賣 ??~ thx !~
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/06/2008 11:21:00]I can't them when I was in Fok Lee wor....
我入隻 X , 已經係上個星期日 ge 事了, 可能已經無晒 >< .....唉 .. Zeta 同 RX-78 頭無望了 .. 下個目標 Nu !
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/06/2008 23:42:00]haha, I sold the Zeta 同 RX-78 wor...