GP03 橙色試作機:最後整備!
This set of pics are up to my expectation! & also thanks for net-friends advise in previous article.
The scene set with the repainted MIA GP03 instead of GFF ver. for a better proportion
Some shots are like ads fo EFSF & AE
Pls. leave your comment on your perference of these set pf pics comparing with the pervious set. Your feedback is invaluable for my improvement!
With the advice from MythSearcher, I download one for of the weapons systems on the ground for maintence.
Personally I like this shot!
The Lady in Orange....
Ads of AE
You know what! This set reminds me Gundam Crisis in Fuji-Q! Right, this set is really up to expectation of your photowork! They looks so REAL! I can almost hear the engine and mechcanics noise... I like #3 and #5!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/04/2008 20:56:00]Gundam Crisis in Fuji-Q Yeh! U reminded me! It is deep in my sub-concious!!! I have an ideal type in my mind when setting the lighting, & that's the Gundam Crisis scene!!!!
Ready for launch 5,4,3,2,1
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/04/2008 20:57:00]54321.. fire!
Very nice!
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/04/2008 20:57:00]visit more! thx!
有 空 來 參 觀 下 ! 我 的 拍 賣 場
回覆刪除裡 面 的 手 機 香 港 無 得 賣 的 !
wow!!! 都好想咁整啊! 不過屋企冇位...
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/04/2008 19:45:00]it can be dessemble :)
回覆刪除Hi ~
》主旨是「 迷上部落,狂寫、愛看! 」
加燈好鬼正, 你影相更加正! 我鐘意#3
回覆刪除btw, 當我全神欣賞第一張時, 見到滲鮮出界, 可惜哩
[版主回覆11/04/2008 22:28:00]滲鮮出界, 可惜... haha. so do I
影得好正, 好有真實感
回覆刪除D燈效SET得好正 ~
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/18/2009 00:01:00]just workmanship is around $2500...