2009年5月5日 星期二

【高清錄音!】 My 903 高達blog訪問! (3/5)

【高清錄音!】 My 903 高達blog訪問! (3/5)

Finally thx 4 ☆斗市民 , I found the High quality sound track & share with all of u!
Enjoy, fans of Gundam! :)

& very interesting the Maria makes the 高達同好聚 sounds so "official"

Click below to listen :)
& join us in 高達同好聚 forum in Toysdaily!

10 則留言:

  1. 聽多一次一樣咁對彩
    [版主回覆05/04/2009 00:01:00]haha, thx 4 support twice!

  2. 而家先知你都係教會人又鍾情高達, 真難得! 我發覺唔係咁多弟兄可以分享到... 現實係咪咁呢? 定我圈子太細? Anyway, 繼續支持!
    [版主回覆05/04/2009 00:03:00]【喜樂 的森】on the upstair is Christain too!  & there should be a least 3 guys in Gundam gathering are Christain :)

  3. 又接受訪問喇? 真係人氣高企!
    [版主回覆05/04/2009 00:03:00]haha, thx 4 support too!

  4. Haha interview ends with "trust you" ^^; Very nice interview. I agree that there's a lot of conflict between those who support UC and those who support other universe, and they should really accept and understand each other more rather than grinding their teeth against each other.
    [版主回覆05/04/2009 00:01:00]& that what exactly the main theme of 00 too!  empathy!

  5. good ar, 做得好好呀, 會不會再做多d 電台節目呀, 講多d 高達的感受~~!
    [版主回覆05/05/2009 00:20:00]haha, not under my control wor....

  6. (Empty)
    [版主回覆05/05/2009 00:20:00]thx 4 ur long term support too!

  7. 能夠同各同好分享自己興趣真係開心到不得了~~~~~努力呀.
    [版主回覆05/07/2009 21:29:00]sure!  & thx 4 ur support!

  8. hi.....太勁啦.....係啦,最後ge果個歌我都好鍾意
    [版主回覆05/07/2009 21:30:00]of coz la, it is "trust you"

  9. 勁! 
    [版主回覆05/16/2009 00:10:00]thx & visit more la!

  10. wow wow very very nice , finally someone can represent gundam fans to talk about gundam , good job brother
    [版主回覆05/25/2009 20:40:00]thx 4 support!
